How To Use This Tool:
The tool is divided into topics that are navigable from the side bar. You can work through each topic in the order they appear or jump to an area of interest. Each topic includes a series of questions that will help determine which permits may apply to the vineyard and/or winery. Identifying which permits are needed is the first step in compliance. Information about the applicable regulatory program area, legislation and relevant regulatory agencies is also provided, along with resource links for learning more about next steps.
Keeping a single list with all of the permits and licenses needed to remain in compliance is a simple way to keep track of expiration and renewal dates. Download the Permits and Licenses List Template to fill in while reviewing this tool. Any Certified California Sustainable Vineyard or Winery is required to keep a list of environmental permits and licenses, and the template can be used to satisfy the certification requirement.
To begin, click on your topic of choice from the side bar and use the template to track your permits.